
Taking the fear out of cyber with customer-centric solutions

在线攻击已成为一种常见现象,但这并不能减轻其严重性. 对于许多企业来说,购买适当的安全是一个艰难的决定,因为多年来市场一直以恐惧为基础,而不是以客户为中心的解决方案, MD of ScotlandIS member Net-Defence, is keen to redefine the approach.

在这里, 她告诉《博天堂官方入口》杂志,中小企业的教育是每个人成功的根本, 为什么自从她加入Net-Defence公司以来所做的改变现在正在为公司的发展带来红利.

“Too often when we as an industry talk about cyber security and risk, it’s a conversation geared around fear and I hate it,黛布拉·凯恩斯说.

“We need to be selling solutions, not selling fear. And that’s an approach we are proud to take.”

As the managing director of Net-Defence, a provider of specialist cyber security, IT, 电话解决方案, 黛布拉致力于改变人们对企业需要提高其在线形象和安全性的看法.

在一个各种规模的企业都可能成为网络攻击目标的时代, 投资于保护其业务的需求从未如此强烈——但这不应该受到恐惧和灾难情景的驱使, 说黛布拉.


“每个人都是目标, whether you’re a one-man band or a multi-national, criminals have no ethics and will go for the easiest target, 不管是谁. But there can be so much jargon around cyber security, that businesses often don’t understand what they need.

“It need not be a hugely expensive purchase, it’s more about analysing their business, minimising risk and looking practically at what they can do. Small investments can bring the biggest impact.

“I often use the analogy of a row of houses, 一号门开着门窗,而且根本没有保安的地方. 另一端是诺克斯堡,那里的安保费用非常昂贵,而且非常安全. 中小企业不希望成为第一,但也不需要成为诺克斯堡.

“We’ll help them to be door number three – not an easy target, with the protection they need so they’re not on the radar of criminals, and can be confident they’ll be safe today and tomorrow.”

以解决方案为导向的方法和与客户建立信任关系的承诺而闻名, Net-Defence公司在盖茨黑德和斯特林的Team Valley办公, Scotland – continues to grow, 全国各地的客户都受益于专家定制的解决方案.

黛布拉的领导一直是一个关键部分的原因,网络防御目前有如此强大的地位, with her background of two decades with Proctor and Gamble (P&G)被证明是帮助引导第三代家族企业进入下一阶段的关键因素.

“I’d undertaken some fantastic projects with P&G and this gave me the foundations on which to build, but as with any career change after more than 20 years, 这仍然令人生畏,黛布拉说。.

“我确实考虑过其他跨国公司,但我决定要勇敢一点,尝试一些不同的东西. But equally, it was really important to make this the right move. I didn’t want to go from two decades with one company, and the progression and development I’d enjoyed during that time, 跳槽.

“不可能是我从事的任何工作,它必须是符合P的地方&G ethos and ethics that made me see what good practice looked like. A family business seemed a good fit for this.”

不可否认, 当黛布拉到来时,“网络防御”面临着挑战——但她承认, the task of turning things around was one she relished.

她的直接影响反映在她的快速晋升上, with her appointment as Head of Governance, 六年前担任风险与合规(GRC),三个月后成为运营主管, with further promotion to Director of Operations a year after that.

She became interim Managing Director in January 2020, just prior to the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic, 这一职位是在6月份封锁最严重的时候被任命为永久性职位的.

“There was a lot to do,” Debra recalls with a smile.

“事情非常临时, 它没有系统化, and this was affecting the quality of what we could deliver. 大流行期间, 在一些极其艰难的时期,远程工作和技术对组织能够继续运营至关重要,支持我们的客户变得绝对必要.

“我们有自己的服务,我们提供的服务质量也很好, 但我们需要确保我们始终如一地提供卓越的服务.

“让合适的团队到位是实现这一变革的核心. I work on the principles of trust and honesty, 作为核心商业价值,我希望我们提供卓越的服务,帮助我们的销售团队充满信心地销售.”

These internal ongoing changes are paying dividends, with Net-Defence enjoying long-standing customer retention, having not lost a client in over two years.

“That in itself tells its own story. Our customers are central to everything we do, 我们很高兴他们告诉我们,我们作为他们组织的合作伙伴或延伸提供了出色的服务. 考虑到这一点,我们审视了整个品牌,觉得缺少了一个特定的关键信息. It wasn’t reflected in our website or our presence on social media.

“This took us back to basics. Tech is known for having an ego, 哪些因素会让事情变得过于复杂,让客户难以驾驭. 我希望我们的服务能够简化,让所有人都能负担得起、获得和获得.”

This lay at the core of Net-Defence’s recent rebrand, which has made finding the solutions businesses need simpler than ever. It has also seen the launch of a new cyber resilience advisory package, to help businesses after the end of landline next year, which offers the cyber protection they need in a pay-as-you-go format.

“We went right back to basics in completing this, 看看我们的客户想要什么,需要什么,以及我们如何才能最好地支持他们。.

在访问网站时, 我们希望客户能够在没有压力的情况下找到解决问题的方法, 害怕, 或者被迫购买. 但最重要的是,我们希望努力教育企业了解他们需要什么. Informed decision-making through awareness and education is at our core.

“We are working on bringing a new product to market, a combined offering that will merge a collection of our core services. 该服务旨在以固定成本提供基础IT、电信和网络弹性服务. 它专注于业务弹性和保持组织安全、合规和可操作性.

“我们的客户还告诉我们,数字世界太复杂了,他们不知道从哪里开始. 他们知道他们必须做些什么,但并不总是确定那是什么. To help eliminate this, our new advisory service was born. 我们将帮助指导您找到最佳解决方案,以满足您当前和未来的需求.”

In addition to the strong bonds it builds with its customers, Net-Defence对建立关系的承诺也延伸到了与之合作的当地供应商, 这是合法的, 市场营销和招聘支持均由外部专家提供.

“Where we can support local, 我们这样做了, because we want to support the communities we live and work in,黛布拉说。.

“另外, 通过我在东北商业弹性中心董事会的角色, we’re helping businesses to get the help and support they need, with core membership being available free of charge.

“As business people, we must help each other to grow and thrive. 我们认为,尽我们所能帮助他人免受网络攻击是我们的责任. By working together, we can achieve great things.”
